Create new patterns in Stand Alone Mode and maximize Creative Studio Drawing features. Understanding nodes, order join, sew order, mirror, and circular array will stimulate your imagination and your design capability.
Skills Covered
CS7-SAM Nodes (Endpoint, Arch, Designer, Divide, Pattern Pause), Snap(Grid/End Point), Draw Line, Draw Curve, Draw Arc, Draw Pattern (p2p), Draw Boundary, Mirror Pattern, Circular Array, Order Join, Combine Pattern, Reverse Start/End, Convert Pattern (Boundary), Concatenation, Fill, Virtual Stitch out, Grid, Save Pattern
Video Index
Overview of Draw Functions
Making Small Patterns
Making P2P Triangles and Squares
Using Templates to Create
Making a P2P Hexagon
Draw Lonestar Block Patterns
Making Fill Patterns with Circular Array and Draw Pattern Function
Skill Level
This class would be ideal for computerized quilters of any skill level, including beginner.
Beginner is a student who:
May be just getting started with their machine
Has limited computer experience
Has limited longarm experience
Course Contents
Nine videos totaling 1 hour and 40 minutes
Videos include: Making a P2P Triangle and Draw Lonestar Block Patterns
Interactive Forum